
D.Gray-man Cosplay-

D.Gray-man (ディーグレイマン, Dī Gureiman) is an ongoing Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Katsura Hoshino. The series tells the story of a boy named Allen Walker who is able to use an ancient substance called Innocence, and becomes an Exorcist in order to collect all the Innocence that is lost in the world alongside other Exorcists and to defeat the Millennium Earl who possesses an army of akuma.
These D.Gray Man Cosplay Costumes can be bought in our cosplay shop. Also,our website provide wholesale cosplay costumes for your cosplay show and other activities.

D.Gray Man Kanda Yuu Cosplay Costume

 D.Gray Man Kanda Yuu Cosplay Costume
 D.Gray Man Kanda Yuu Cosplay Costume


Anime/ Video Games: D.Gray-man
Category: Cosplay Costumes
Gender: Male
Includes: Coat, Pants, Badge 

D.Gray-Man Lenalee Lee Cosplay Costume

 D.Gray-Man Lenalee Lee Cosplay Costume
 D.Gray-Man Lenalee Lee Cosplay Costume

Anime/ Video Games: D.Gray-man
Category: Cosplay Costumes
Gender: Female
Includes: Coat, Badge 

Looking for high quality D.Gray Man Cosplay Costumes with great prices? Check out our D.Gray Man Cosplay Costume selection and start saving big today!

